Viking Warrior E for UMA

  • Sale
  • $25

The 'Viking Warrior 'E' ' costume is  designed for Unity UMA 2.5 Character system..

All costume items scale and deform precisely so you can vary the size of your characters proportions

Pack Contains:

  • 9 Slots
  • 9 Overlays
  • 9 Wardrobe Recipes

SLOTS Included & Overlays & Wardrobe Elements for:

    • Helmet
    • Tabbard
    • Tabbard Chainmail OverClothing
    • Cloak
    • Belt
    • Belt Bag
    • Scabbard
    • Trousers
    • Boots

    Unity 5 Materials

    Set up for Unity 5 PBR material system with UMA 2.5

    • Albedo
    • Spec/Metal
    • Normal Map
    • AO