Medieval Sewer

  • Im Angebot
  • $17


 Medieval Sewer

Realistic & atmospheric, this highly detailed pack provides a Medieval Sewer Setting, great for adding to castle or city game levels. Pack is provided with a library of meshes that connect together, in your 3d game world editor, allowing you freedom to make your own level designs - you could even add an in game editor to your game, allowing players to create their own sewer levels. This pack will recieve an update soon that will allow connection to our highly prized dungeon ultimate pack.

Pack License
Use Royalty free in as many
projects as you wish, no further
payments to Arteria3d.

Included 3d Model Formats
Direct X, DTS, OBJ, MESH

13 Sewer Rooms/Corridors.
8 Pipe pieces, to make your own pipe system.
1 Bridge.

Poly Count
Buildings range 2000-6000

Props 200-2000

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